Email them to us OR tell us where they’re posted on the web.
You must include the official EVENT NAME, LOCATION (city/town/community), and DATE in the body of the message, for results to be correctly posted here.
Only results from Athletics Yukon sanctioned events will be linked or posted here.
If any of the results links are broken (files moved), please tell us, and provide the new link!
We make every effort to post results within 2 days of receiving via email.
File Format for emailed results:
Plain text: is always safe, works if you’re PC or Mac-based. Save as a .TXT file or paste unformatted text into the body of the email.
Excel: results only, no extra pages or columns of data, no macros or references to other documents.
MS Word: minimal formatting, font Arial/Helvetica or Courier 10pt, little or no graphics (small files only), no underlining (this is reserved for hyperlinks)
PDF: keep file size small by using universal fonts such as Arial or Helvetica or Times New Roman, little or no graphics.